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List your token on WhalesHeaven exchange for free

WhalesHeaven is a p2p decentralized exchange for swapping crypto to crypto. The platform operates using Threshold signatures, making it the ideal exchange for users to swap coins and tokens securely across different blockchains.

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List on the following blockchains

Ethereum logo


Polymath logo

Binance smart


Polymath logo


Avalanche logo


Tron logo


coming soon
Neo logo


coming soon
Harmony logo


coming soon

Benefits you get

Your token holders will get to trade your token with limitless pairs across different blockchains

Our platform supports native coins such as Bitcoin, Ether, Tron, BNB, Avax and more than 30 different tokens across 4 different blockchains which can be traded against each other. Your users can trade your token against the coin or token of their choice.

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The cheapest way for swapping cryptocurrencies

Our new update has allowed us to let our users save up to 75% on transaction fees compared to Uniswap and most other DEXs. Subsequent trading on WhalesHeaven allows users to narrow transaction fees to get as low as a single transaction fee.

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Trading is done instantly without a sign-up

On WhalesHeaven users don’t need to register and wait days and hours for approval. A guest user can finish up a trade in under 3 minutes, making us the fastest solution compared to other centralized exchanges and DEXs.

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Listing application

Get your token listed on WhalesHeaven decentralized exchange